9 Free SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase the ranking of your Website on SERP


Do you want to rank your website on the search engine result page? Are you looking for the best SEO tips and tricks for your website ranking?

Well, who doesn’t! Everybody wants that.

Everybody wants to ace in their respective field and wants to hold the top position on search engines. The rank of your website determines your success.

This fact has been justified by the data presented by Infront Webworks, which states that 95% of the website traffic is received by the first page of Google. So, it means that you should strive hard to rank on the first page of your website in order to increase your brand’s visibility and website traffic.

Even if you are at the top, it is not possible to maintain your position for a longer period because of the constantly changing nature of Google algorithms.

So, here I am going to share 9 tricks to boost your ranking and grow your business:

#1 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Engaging Content

Well, I am putting content at the top of my list of best SEO tips and Tricks because it is the most crucial part of your website, that’s why it is called the ‘king’. If you offer quality content then no one can stop you from grasping the higher position on SERP. Make sure that your content is unique, relevant and attractive to generate engagement. Also, if it is in a long-form then it adds an advantage to it. Websites with strong engagement get rewarded by Google in terms of its ranking.

Make your content informative and easy to read. You should lay more focus on the title or beginning part of your content. This is the part which is responsible for attracting and driving maximum potential customers to your website. So make it captivating. Don’t use difficult words which is hard to read for both the audience and search engine. Your content should be SEO optimized and updated.

You can add other multimedia like images or videos to make it more entrancing. Always remember that your content posses the sole power to increase your ranking and generating more traffic without charging any dime. So making quality and valuable content should be your main agenda.

#2 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Keywords Targeting

As said above that your content is the crucial part, but your content is made up of certain keywords on which you want your website to be ranked. So before creating any content, do semantic keyword targeting for effective results. You can take help of various keyword research tools available online like Keyword planner by Ad Words, KW Finder, Ubersuggest, Mondovo, Word Tracker, SEMrush, Soovle, etc.

An ideal keyword density is 1-2%. Avoid keyword stuffing as this is considered as one of the Black Hat SEO techniques. Google can de-rank or penalize you for exploiting this technique in your content.

Img Src: neilpatel.com

Placement of your keywords affects your ranking majorly. So place your keywords properly in the Title of your content; in all the tags including heading tag, Meta tag, image alt tag; first para and last paragraphs of your content. Try to incorporate long-term keywords in your keyword targeting strategy. It is because due to low competition on these keywords, it becomes easy for you to rank. It brings in more traffic and results in a higher conversion rate.

Thus it is 2nd on the list of best SEO tips and tricks.

#3 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine


You surely don’t want to lose your visitors on premises of low site speed. People tend to abandon your website if it takes more than 5 seconds to load the web page. Google uses your site speed as one of the significant factors in SEO ranking. This is why this factor is in our list of best SEO tips and tricks.

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There are many factors which affect the speed of your website. Some of them are technical for which you need to consult a professional web developer or designer. There are other factors which are controllable by you like one of the biggest factors is the images of your website. The speed of the loading time of your image contributes largely to the overall speed of your website.

You can compress your images as it enables you to cut down the page size up to 30-40% which will speed up the loading time of your website. There are many image optimization tools which can assist you in compressing your image. For example, Optimizilla, Image Recycle, CompressNow, Triage, Online Image Optimizer, Compressor.io, GiftofSpeed, Kraken.io, etc.

Some of the plug-ins also contribute to lower down the speed of your website, so deactivate or delete the unnecessary plug-in. Not just plug-in, also remove the unnecessary content of your website as more the content more it takes time to load. So don’t let superfluous contents to depress your loading time.

#4 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Fortify your Social Media presence

You may have noticed that sometimes when you type any brand’s or company name on search engines, then their social media profiles appear on the top. Thus, your social media profile also ranks on the search engines.

Social media can be a great source of generating leads for your website that’s why this factor is on the 4th position of our list for best SEO tips and tricks. You can embed or integrate the links of your website pages in your social media content. When you will provide unique, informative, valuable and quality content on social media platforms, then more people will share your content.

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This will widen your reach, promote your brand, and increase your clicks and traffic. And most importantly, it will build your brand’s authority as it will show the search engine that your content is valuable enough to compel others to share. This will, in turn, make a search engine to give you preference in the ranking.

There are numerous social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. So build your brand’s profile on these networks and strive to gain more and more likes and followers. To strengthen your social media presence to boost your business and increase the rank of your website.

#5 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Make Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are the most important part of Offpage SEO that has a massive impact on your ranking thus you must consider it as one of the best SEO tips and tricks. The backlinks that you generate has the power to either make or break the online reputation of your website. If you have created a good backlink then it can improve your rank on search engine result page. But if you have spammy then Google can drop your ranking or penalize your website. All credits go to Google’s update like Google Penguin which lays focus on the quality of your links. Thus, it is very important to generate quality backlink.

First of all, make sure that you are creating the backlinks on a website which is relevant to your niche. Before creating any backlink on a website, check its domain authority and spam score. Evaluate your links today, identify the ‘bad links’ or ‘broken links’. Remove it immediately to save your website from getting penalized by Google.

There are some of the really handy tools to check broken links like Screaming Frog SEO Spider, W3C link check, Google Webmaster tool, etc. For the purpose of removing these broken links, you can use the ‘Disavow Tool’.

There are other techniques too that you can adopt like generate high-quality links and promote it to attract natural links instead of buying it. This method will save you from buying bad links.

#6 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Do Internal and External linking of your website

People tend to undermine this factor but it does impact your ranking. Do the linking of the related keywords as anchor text to the relevant pages of your website (internal linking) or to other relevant website pages (external linking).

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This will not only increase the relevancy of your website but will also lower the bounce rate thereby increasing the average time spent on your website. Internal linking is sometimes used as call-to-action. It will make it easier for users and search engine bots to navigate and find other web pages of your website. Thus, it improves the visibility of your website and is on our list of best SEO tips and tricks.

External linking to the authoritative and well-reputed websites will increase the creditability of your website making it more trustworthy in the eyes of search engine. This will, in turn, improve your ranking. Make sure that website you are linking to must be valuable, informative, relevant and highly ranked.

Poor quality external links can harm the reputation and ranking of your website. You can put no-follow links wherever it is required. External links or outbound links can be a great way to make connections. So don’t forget to do internal and external linking to boost the traffic and ranking of your site.

#7 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Do thorough Competitor Research

It is a very popular saying, “Keep your friends close and enemies closer”, which is applicable to every field of work. Healthy competition is necessary to provide a room for one to improve. Knowing your competitors and tracking their strategies will help you in analyzing your next move.

Identify your competitors and make a list of them. Analyze their performance based on certain metrics like page authority (PA), domain authority (DA), ranking, keywords, Trust flow, and citation flow.

Monitor the SEO strategies they are utilizing and which of them are working for them or which are not. You can also analyze their social media activities and backlinks to know about the sites where you can perform link building activities too.

Moreover, you can check the content and structure of their websites and the services provided by them in order to improve yours so that you can outdo them. There are many tools which you can use to measure and learn about the tactics and marketing strategies implemented by your competitors. Some of the very useful tools are Superstat, SEMrush, SimilarWeb, Alexa, Siteliner, Buzzsumo, Monitor Backlinks, SpyFu, etc.

The most important part of the best SEO tips and trips.

#8 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Make a Mobile-friendly website

We are living in an era where Mobile phones have become an intrinsic part of your daily life. The population of Mobile users comprises more than half of the total world’s population. Targeting these mobile users will provide you with a wider reach and more traffic. So make your website responsive web design. According to statistics, around 50% of all Google’s search traffic is now made up of Google’s mobile traffic.

On April 2015, Google announced one of its update called ‘Mobilegeddon’ for mobile device users. This stated that if a website is not mobile-friendly or optimized for its mobile device users then Google will bring down their ranking. And Google did what it said as over 80% of websites suffered in their ranking due to the effect of Mobilegeddon.

To improve the mobile user experience, check the speed of your website on mobile devices and do take care of other factors too like the spacing and font size.

There are several online tools to check if your website is mobile-friendly, some of them are Google’s mobile-friendly test, W3C’s MobileOK Checker, Keynote MITE, Google’s PageSpeed Insights, RankWatch, Varvy Mobile SEO, etc. So, optimize your website and make it mobile friendly to serve large no. of audiences and boost your ranking.

#9 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine

Focus on your site structure

Believe it or not but the structure of your website does affect your ranking. A well-built architecture and clear navigation of your website will help the users and search engine bots to find the content of your website.

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A good structure helps in the better indexing and crawling of your website. Besides that, it enhances the user experience making your visitors lean on to your website for longer. Hence, it drops off the bounce rate. To increase the navigability of your site, you can also use site links. Sitelinks help in improving your brand’s reputation, user’s trust and your ranking on SERP.

Provide users with a path or ‘breadcrumbs’ for the various contents of your website for easy navigation. Divide your content into categories and subcategories. Plan the hierarchy or site structure of your website before developing it. Your URL structure should be created in a way that follows your navigation hierarchy.

Internal linking also helps in improving your site structure. To improve the architecture of your website and provide structured data and increase your ranking.


So what are you thinking? Include the above discussed 9 brilliant free tips and tricks in your SEO strategy today to outperform your competitors and to improve the ranking of your website on SERP.


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