7 Deadly Sins of Email Marketing to Avoid [Infographic]


The power of Email Marketing cannot be underestimated in the marketing domain. Though there are many marketing techniques like social media marketing, blogging, etc which are assembling more hype these days. But email marketing remains the utile an indispensable one.

Email Marketing is one of the most effective Digital tactics to include in your marketing strategy. It is the best way to interact with your targeted audience without much burdening on your budget. Therefore, it is cost-effective and gives you authentic reach. Now, what’s better than that?

A study done by Hubspot reveals that around 86% of marketing professionals prefer email to communicate for business purposes. A report by Mailigen states that 89% of marketers have confirmed that email was their primary channel for lead generation. Other report claims that 77% of B2B marketers are using email marketing to drive visits and sales to their websites.

These statistics show that Email Marketing does hold the capacity to boost your business. Neil Patel, the co-founder of CrazzyEgg, KISSmetrics, and QuickSprout, tweeted in one of his tweets: “Out of all of the channels I tested as a marketer, email continually outperforms most of them.”

Creating a successful email campaign is not an arduous task. But it does require attention and caution on certain factors that may affect the efficiency of your campaign.

Here is the list of 7 Deadly Sins of Email Marketing to Avoid:

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Many times marketers commit few mistakes or errors which affects severely to their email marketing efforts. Want to know what these mistakes are? Well, here I am going to discuss the 7 deadly sins of Email Marketing that should be avoided at any cost.

1. Avoiding Segmentation

According to the stats presented by MailChimp “Effects of List Segmentation on Email Marketing Stats” (2015): Segmented email campaigns generate 62.84% more clicks than the non-segmented ones.

Segmentation can be done on the basis of certain metrics like demographics, location, interest, or on basis of content preferences. The relevance of your content to its audience is a very important factor for the success of your email campaign.

Segmenting your list will ensure the relevancy of your content. Sending your mail in the bulk to the whole mailing list will not produce a desirable result for you. Irrelevant emails will prompt your audience to get unsubscribed as it will add no value to them.

Therefore, not segmenting your list is a big mistake to commit. It can cause damaging effects on your campaign and can lower your ROI.

2. Neglecting Your Mobile Users

This unpardonable sin can produce detrimental results. You cannot neglect your mobile users. One of the most noteworthy reasons why email marketing is a huge success today is mobile devices.

Mobile devices promote easy access to emails for their users. More than 50% of your audiences are mobile device users and hence, you cannot afford to ignore them.

Do keep in mind these audiences while creating the design for your email campaign. Your audience should not incur any difficulty at the time of taking any action on your email from their mobile devices. Otherwise, it is more likely that they will shut it without performing any coveted actions. Make a responsive design for your emails and give the best user experience to your audience.

3. Not Mentioning Call-to-Action Button

Creating a lucrative content and designs are not enough. There will be no use of any efforts if you don’t mention the call-to-action button. Make your intentions clear to your audience and provide them with the option to carry out the preferable action. If you miss out call-to-action button, then your audience will be compelled to think about what to do next.

Even if they are interested in your services or offers, they won’t be able to incur it or take further action. This will cause you to lose your customer, which is unprofitable for your business.

Furthermore, this may make your audience to doubt the authenticity of your email. This is not good for your brand’s reputation as well. Thus, do mention the call-to-action button to guide your customers to take a further step.

Also, the right placement of the call-to-action button in the body of your mail is very important. Place it where it can produce the most effective results for your campaign.

4. Lacking Personalization

Personalization of your mail can make a huge difference. According to the eConsultancy, around 74% of marketers have said that personalization increases customer engagement. Thus it is always advisable to personalize your email to connect more with your customers.

To personalize your email campaign, your first need to collect the data from your targeted audience. Then, segment them on the basis of demographics, interests, purchase history, geographic location, etc. After this, you can automate your personalization efforts.

You can personalize your subject line to mark a potent impression and to oblige your audience to click on the mail. Personalization will enhance your relationship with your customers and will increase your trust value. So, it can be a huge flaw for your campaign to lack this useful tactic.

5. Underrating Subject Line

Underrating the significance of subject line would be an inexcusable error of judgment. Your subject line is one of the major deciding factors of the open rate of your emails. It is responsible for creating your first impression and tempting your audience to open your mail.

Therefore, your subject line should be compelling, informative, and relevant. It should be able to convey the idea of your mail content and should not be misleading.

Also, try not to enlarge it. According to stats, around 58% of people open an email that has a subject line of 10 or fewer characters. So, keep it short and easy to apprehend. Don’t leave any loose end that might not be beneficial for your marketing strategy. So, make the content of your subject line competent.

6. Buying Email List

Buying an Email list is an offence that may land you into trouble. The CAN-SPAM act dictates that buying and selling of email list is an illegal activity. It is not worth it at all, it may ruin your brand’s reputation.

Email is a medium to reach to those who want to hear from you. But sending emails to those who didn’t subscribe to get emails from you would not be beneficial for you.

In fact, this tactic will only flush down your money. It is more like sending emails to those who have no clue about you, you are stranger for them. Thus, this may irk them to either delete your mail or mark it as spam. It will not only harm the deliverability of your emails but can also get your IP address blacklisted.

Hence, the practice of buying Email list should be avoided. You can build your original and authentic email list in numerous ways.

7. Not Analyzing Your Performance

This mistake can harm you in many ways. To check the effectiveness of your email campaign, it is very important to track its performance. As a marketer, your concern should be to constantly optimize your marketing efforts as per requirements for better results.

But, if you don’t measure then you won’t be able to improve it. Analyzing your performance will enable you to identify what is working for your campaign and what needs to be improved.

Track the results of previous campaigns prior to creating a new campaign for a better outcome. Measure the metrics like click-through rates, bounces, conversion rate, Email sharing, subscribe and unsubscribe rate, and overall ROI.

To make better decisions, you can do A/B testing that will allow you to choose what is best for you. If you are not tracking the report of your campaign today then you are perpetrating unpardonable error. And you might regret it tomorrow.


These are the 7 Email Marketing mistakes that you need to avoid to succeed in your goals and generate maximum revenues. So, make your email marketing strategy keeping in view the above-listed points.

Email Marketing is counted as one of the best Digital Digital Marketing tools to grow your small business tool to grow your small business. Hence, the biggest mistake would be to pretermit this marketing technique.


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