Learn Ways to Boost Your Content on LinkedIn 2019 [Infographic]


Undoubtedly, LinkedIn is one of the most crucial and popular social networks. It is different from other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. What makes it stand out is the fact that it is an entirely business-related and job oriented platform that has been created for professionals.

It is not just only for posting your pictures and chatting with your friends. Rather, this platform is about building your profile and growing your social network. It offers a lot of opportunities for job seekers. One of the most expedient services it offers is that it provides a wider and authentic reach. Its audiences are professionals, so it is the best platform to promote your business or yourself. It directly introduces you to the market.

To gain traffic, leads and viewership, you need to promote your content. But it is not an easy chore to establish your name and promote your content on LinkedIn. It requires devising effective strategies, plus it is also little time to consume. So be smart and patient, if you are really working hard then you will definitely get the fruitful results.

Learn how to boost your content on LinkedIn with the following easy ways:

#1 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Create an Attractive Profile

Creating a piquant profile is a preliminary step on LinkedIn to grab the attention of other professionals. It is utmost important especially for job seekers and fresher to make your profile effective.

Consider your LinkedIn profile as your resume or CV and update the criteria accordingly. Your profile should be elaborated and captivating. Add your experience, education, skills, and current job status.

Mention in the profile if you are a fresher and looking for a job. Put your eye-catching formal image that should reflect your professionalism.

#2 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Provide Valuable Content

A valuable content always shows its magic, that is why content is being called a ‘King’. Indeed, it does hold the supreme power to attract and engage the viewers. Generate quality content which should be informative and useful.

Make your content interesting with facts and figures. Add links to your content either of your own business pages or other useful article pages. You can also add slide shares or videos or images to make it more riveting.

Your headline is a very important constituent of your content as it plays a major role in attracting and retaining your audience. A viewer first reads the headline and then decides whether he wants to continue or not. So make it captivating, compelling and concise. Also, your content should be original, avoid plagiarism as it badly affects the quality of your content.

#3 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Stay Active and Post Frequently

If you want to make your presence promptly on LinkedIn then be active and post your content often. Keep on doing other activities too like reading others’ posts and commenting on it to seek their attention.

You can also do other social media activities to promote your content. LinkedIn gives you an option to quickly share your content on Facebook and Twitter. This will help you in fetching more readers. Add links to your content as it has been noted that it increases engagement.

Furthermore, if you don’t have any content to post then you can also post the links to other articles related to any latest news or information. So make sure to do status update frequently to increase your visibility and click-through rate (CTR).

If you don’t have time to do regular activities then you can use tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, etc. These tools allow you to schedule your future posts at your preferable time.

#4 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Post on Right Time

Untimely posting of your content can push it down. You must post it on the right time to target your audience and get maximum engagement.

According to the observations, the best timings to post content are either early in the morning, lunchtime, early evening or late night. To be precise, a spot between 10 A.M to 11 A.M is considered as the highly sensitive one. And it is believed that the best days to post are Tuesday and Thursday.

But these hypotheses are based on observations and it is not necessary that they are applicable to all the business campaigns. Some people consider that Fridays or 8 P.M slots are more beneficial for them which need not be suitable for other brands too.

This is purely based on the fact that when your targeted audience is more likely to be active on LinkedIn. Keep posting for a week and observe what the best time is for you. On which day and at what time you are getting maximum views and post your content accordingly.

#5 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Build a Network and Following

LinkedIn is the best site to make your connection with professional and influencing personalities. Grow your followers and networks. Search the profiles of people who are related to your field of work and get connected with them.

The more connection you will have, the more views you will get on your status update. Connect with the people you already know, like your friends and colleagues.

Don’t just make connections, also build relationships with your connections. If someone comments on your post them give them a prompt reply. Make conversations, comment on other’s posts.

To motivate conversation you can post question type content or any quiz on your status. Moreover, you can directly send emails or messages to your connections related to any of your useful articles or blog posts. You can even also use tools like ‘make a poll’ provided by LinkedIn to engage your connections on your posts.

#6 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Create a Business Page

If you are a part of an organization and want to promote it on Linkedin then creating a business page is the first step to proceed further. Provide all the details of your business on your business page including its nature, goal, and contact info. Use the company icon or logo in the image section.

Keep your page updated with the latest news feed posts about your business. Also, post links to your business website. It is a great way to increase your visibility and traffic of both LinkedIn and search engines.

As said earlier, LinkedIn is the best platform to create job opportunities. Most of the audience of LinkedIn comprises job seekers. You can create posts informing people about any Job vacancies in your company. Or you can inform people about the relevant job opportunities in other companies.

You can share job tips or current trends in the industry. Promote your business product or services on your page. These contents on your business page will definitely attract viewers and will give boost your business.

#7 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Join Groups

To socialize more and promote your content it is efficacious to join relevant groups. Target the groups affiliated with your niche.  There are two ways to find the groups to join which is suitable for your profile.

The first way is to find through search terms or keywords on the search bar. Write the keywords related to your niche or group name of your interest in the search bar. It will show the results. The other way to find is to browse groups recommended to you by LinkedIn itself. Go to your work icon which is at the top of your homepage. Choose ‘Groups’ and it will present you the option to discover. Click on it and you will see the suggested names of the groups that you can join.

Then choose the group that fits you and where you can find your targeted audience. Before joining any group, check whether the group is active or not, when the last content was posted and how many group participants are there.

After finding the group of your interest you can send them the request to join by clicking on the ‘Ask to join’ button. You can share your blogs or links to these groups through the LinkedIn share button. LinkedIn also gives the option to create your own group. So if you can’t find one then create it. You can give guidelines to your group members on what to post and what to not.

#8 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Make Use of Pulse

It is a great way to boost your content. Pulse is LinkedIn’s publishing platform. So you can publish or republish your blog post using Pulse. You can publish new content with a catchy headline and appealing images. Besides you can also republish your existing blog posts with a little editing in the headline.

Despite providing you with a wider reach, it builds your online reputation. When you publish a post each time, LinkedIn gives the notification to your connections.  There are two ways to access Pulse. One way is to click on the Interest tab present on the top of your homepage and select Pulse. This will open the Pulse homepage, click on ‘Publish a post’ option given a right top corner.

The second way is to directly click on ‘Publish a post’ option. Don’t forget to add tags before sharing your content as it will make it easier for others to find your post. Furthermore, you can share it on other social channels to increase readership and engagement.

#9 LinkedIn Content Marketing Technique

Buy Sponsored Ads

All the above-stated ways are free of cost. But if you still feel that nothing is working in your favour then you can spend some money to promote your content. LinkedIn provides you with a number of ads format like:

  • Sponsored Content
  • Direct Sponsored Content
  • Sponsored InMail
  • Text Ads
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Lead Gen Forms (can be used with Sponsored Content & Sponsored InMail).

In Sponsored Content, you need to create content on the company page to promote through it. Whereas, Direct Sponsored content does not require to first create content on the company page. It is used to personalize and test content in the news feed. So with the following steps, you can buy sponsored ads to elevate your content:

  • Start with Campaign Manager
  • Choose the right ad format
  • Create ads
  • Target ads
  • Set the Budget
  • Analyze and optimize


LinkedIn is a very useful social channel to build a relationship with the professionals, seek their attention, and increase your reach and traffic. Especially, it is considered as the best platform for Business to Business or B2B.

You just need to learn how to use it right to give a boost to your content on LinkedIn. Leverage your content marketing strategy on LinkedIn to maximize your profit.


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